We have Over 500 More different Precious Moments choices than any other store online! |
What's New? What's New? What's New? We are updating our website and trying to make it more user friendly. In the past we have had several glitches and…we still have a few. But within days it will be completely updated. We even have plans to have a message board and even a classifieds section for those Precious Moments collectors wanting to sell some of their pieces and for those collectors desperately searching for a certain Precious Moments. Because of your patience with our site, your loyalty to Precious Moments and to us, we want to give you an additional $5.00 Off Coupon on your next purchase. After you place your order online or over the phone, just email us or tell us on the phone that you want your "$5 Off for the Holidays"! We’ll manually take it off your order. Also, those of you that want to order several dolls at once or just snag some more limited dolls while we still have them – All orders over $175 receive FREE SHIPPING until December 31, 2008! Again, the site is still a little in limbo, so if you have any questions or would prefer to just place your order over the phone, please call us at 417-668-5836 or Toll Free 877-609-5671. A real person is usually there to answer the phone (usually Renee’), but if you do get an answering machine, please leave a message and we’ll call you back. --Your Friends at The Precious Moments Doll Superstore Click Here to See the New 2008-2009 Catalog